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Growing Pains 是個新鮮的名詞,是個我付了保險co-pay 學到的新鮮事

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Below is the article I found on the Internet.  I cannot find the original post but there are many websites/blog referring this article.  I guess it's alright with the author for me to post it here......
I totally related to the last paragraph about "亞斯柏格症兒童的情感相當豐沛......"  Andrew has always been very sensitive with almost anything.... Although he doesn't show all the symptoms listed in the article, but with his social skills, I cannot stop thinking about maybe he is a 亞斯柏格症兒童?!


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Playing with water = Getting strawberry ready for us to eat?  That's not what I think, but Andrew.  He begged me to let him washing strawberries we just bought this afternoon.  While it's something I see it as a chore, he seems to enjoy it so much.  So, I took some pictures to remind him later in the years when he rejects to do household chores that he ONCE enjoyed it a lot.  Hopefully.... he will continue his passion on doing chores......

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Andrew's preschool had a Thanksgiving luncheon to celebrate Thanksgiving.  It's a simple lunch but fun way to see Andrew and having lunch with him.  Kids were having turkey sandwich and even parents got something to eat this time.  I was starving last time when they had their "tea party" in October.  Their main decoration for Thanksgiving is the hand prints (as little turkeys) from each class hanging from the celing.  I was able to find Andrew's little hand print.  His little hand doesn't seems to be too little compared to other kids.  After reading the words, I couldn't help laughing.  This is what he said.... "I am thankful for balloons.....".  Really? I wonder what is so special about balloons??  HAHA!! 

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On our way back home, I noticed that Andrew was staring at the sun for a while.  I wasn’t sure what he is looking.  He looked very curious seems like he is try to find something in the sun.  In my mind, I was wondering if I should stop him because I would think the bright sunshine was probably hurting his eyes.  With the thought in my mind, I wasn’t even paying attention when he was talking to me until he raised his voice.  I asked him to repeat and this is what he said:  “Mom, it’s MONEY!”  After a second, I realized that he was referring to the sun.  Aha!! He was staring at the sun to find out what is really behind the shinny lights.  Didn’t everybody including me had told him that the sun is round?  We drew the sun in a circle all the time, right?  ….  I guess he just has to find that out himself.  He finally stopped looking straight into the sun and murmured:  “It’s a quarter…..”

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Cousin Rose came to visit and kids were so delighted to see her.  Andrew first was hestitated to talk to her, but then he was totally opened up to chat. 

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  • Jun 26 Fri 2009 00:00

The official definition for a bagel is a firm doughnut-shaped roll traditionally made by boiling and then baking.  According to Andrew, a bagel is.......

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  • Apr 02 Thu 2009 12:33
  • 等等


PS: Just want to note that while we were recording, Austin was stealing the food for our god fish and ran away....... hahahaha

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 We finally registered Andrew to the Tiny Tot program in Diamond Bar.  He has been envy Angie for her been able to go to school.  The idea of "going to school" seems equal to "having special privilege" to him.  He wants to prove to everyone he knows that he is a big boy by being able to go to school like his older sister. 

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Andrew's babysitter had their Halloween party early.  When I got there (after picking up Angie), the party was almost over.  I was sooooo thrilled with the food available, I didn't bother taking any picture for the kids.  Since Melody and Joanne are so kind to share their pictures with me.  Here are some pictures I got from them:                            

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帶安杰上樓洗澡,沒甚麼大不了. 可是這個愛哭鬼就是輸不起. 不但愛哭還耍詐!!

就昨天. 帶安杰上樓洗澡. 走著走著 慢吞吞的小人跟不上又哭了. 我只好站在樓梯口等他. 他邊哭邊走邊叫:"這個沒有到!!孝順的媽媽心想,可能是這個機車男看到我沒有踩到那一階,又在龜毛了. 這還不簡單,就下去踩一下就是了. 但是覺得怪怪的. 因為我並沒有skip step的習慣,怎麼會沒有踩到那一階呢? 說時遲那時快,小鬼看我走下去了,就休的跑了上樓. 踩在樓上的同時,舉起雙手大叫: "I WON!!" (我贏了) 才知道我中了這個剛滿三歲的小鬼的計. 好想哭!! {#emotions_dlg.emotion_013}

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安杰上廁所不好好上. 居然想要把腳放進馬桶.  在媽媽重複兩遍 "不可以" 之後說

"你一定要進去 我就把你像大便一樣沖下去......

照例給我一個"想到了!!"的表情.  我就知道他又有謬論了 果不其然 他說:"那我就看不到你了" 媽媽心想 "對!! 怕了吧??

小鬼頭接著緩緩地說:"可是我就可以看到你的大便了."   一副理所當然的樣子令人啞然失笑

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  • 這是一篇加密文章,請輸入密碼
  • 密碼提示:My daughter's full name with last name
  • 請輸入密碼:


忽然叫了一聲︰“媽媽﹐我要看姐姐打棒球!”我莫名奇妙﹒ 明明是雅虎的shopping網站﹐那來的棒球? 原來﹐他是說這個………


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安琪和安杰今天發現了新玩具. 兩個人一個在媽媽電腦旁邊拿媽媽的麥克風,一個拿SKYPE無線電話互相打電話. 就在隔壁兩個居然可以聊天.一開始互相問候,再來聊天氣,不但把在中文學校背的唐詩拿出來唸,最後還拿麥克風唱歌.真是不知應不應該說他們的想像力豐富亦或…..窮極無聊.

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  • Jun 12 Thu 2008 06:12
  • 湯麵

安杰愛死了超人﹒任何 hero figures 對他來說都是超人﹒ 舉凡 Superman, Spiderman, Power Ranger......都一概是超人

小傢伙咬字不清楚﹒每次喊 Superman 都像是 Super-麵. 
爸爸甚至笑他在要湯麵 (Soup-N-麵)


琪琪現在開口閉口都是ABC. 尤其是和弟弟說話的時候﹒常常把不會說英文的安杰搞的一楞一愣的﹒但弟弟也不是省油的燈﹒越來越有ABC的架勢﹒尤其是跟在姐姐屁股後面大喊 "Oh! Man!" 的時候﹐的確滿搞笑的﹒因為他每次喊 "Oh! Man!" 都像是 "Oh! 麵!" 媽媽都很想跟著叫 "Oh! 飯!" 

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後記︰用買給安廷布, 做好給安杰的枕頭套, 卻又被安琪 盯上了…三個孩子的媽是不太好當

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