目前分類:園藝生活 (3)

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hsinchuchen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

早上還沒起床就有善心人士(以前一起上班的同事)送枇杷到家裡來。 很懷念以前一起上班的日子,他家種的水果超多,一年到頭都有好康可以A.  自從轉到Riverside上班以後,想要吃新鮮的水果,只有自力救濟,自己種水果吃了。

hsinchuchen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

We have grape vine in our back yard since year 2006.... the year before Austin was born.  The plant was from a very nice Japanese couple.  They had their own sushi restaurant and Take was their very royal customer.  I enjoyed the food as well, but not so much now after their kids took over the restaurant.  The warm feeling is no longer there.  When the old couple was still operating the restaurant, the place was very "homey".... but now it's just a regular restaurant to me.  But..... that's nothing related to our grapes.....

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