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  • Sep 17 Mon 2012 04:23
  • Life

最近有點事情過不去. 牧師在台上講話, 一點也聽不進去. 直到他說了:

"If you try to protect your life, you lose focus. You will end up losing life. If you give up your life and live in God's word, you will gain your life back."

這應該就是"捨得". 放手捨棄,才會得到.

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十年前的今天,我從醫院帶回一個女娃兒. 十年後.她從19吋長到比我肩頭還高;大腳直逼我的尺寸. 就連七年前的昨天生的小子也快讓我認不得了. 這到底是什麼状況?  

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這次養毛毛蟲的確是一個新的體驗! 不但小朋友學到新知識, 媽媽也近距離的看到美麗的蝴蝶!

三隻毛毛蟲正式登陸我們家. 取名為: Samantha, Jay 和 Armarni. 小小的蟲蟲會吐細細的絲床. 不吃飯, 就窩在床上睡覺. 真叫人羨慕.


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原出處: 幼教粉絲專頁

1. 有求必應

2. 他出口成"髒"你一笑置之

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Kids making mistakes are not suprising, but kids who made mistakes are afraid to tell me really hurts....... Today, I shared this video with all three of them.  Hopefully, they will realize that they can learn from their mistake even there is consequence to it:


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煮沸後再加醋,水醋比大約100: 1,就可以拿來擦桌子、沙發、地板。

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I have seen many emails or website about the signs of a stroke and this is the easy to follow one I thought......  Keep this minds... who knows, I might be saving somebody's life or even myself!!

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If there is any concern I have regarding the car seats.  These two questions are the ones I always wonder and not certain even after having 3 kids.  I came across the email with the guideline listed below and thought I better save them before my absent mind lost them again:

Original From: Baby Center: Car seat safety: The biggest mistakes parents make, and how to avoid them

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天那。痞客邦行動管家讓我實在沒有裡由不update我的部落格了! 再加上新的iPod又可以讓我用手寫輸入,眞的是太方便了! 雖然注音已經很夠用了,但是由於鍵盤上沒有符號,都要用背的,對於我這個已經是三個孩子的媽,的確是越來越困難了啦!!

我只能說這個 application 讓我更加愛我的 iPod 了啦,!吼吼吼..........

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I took Angie and Adrew to the CHA Craft Supershow last weekend. It was the first craft show I've ever been to and I didn't know what to expect when we first arrive to the convention center. The show was big. Three of us were there from 1pm all the way to 6pm until they kick us out, we still didn't see everything.

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We are sitting in McDonald eating our lunch. We were waiting for DH to come home to join us to go to Angie's drawing ceremony in El Monte. Since he hasn't been home, we came here for lunch. Kids decided to sit by the slides in the play room and I sit in the back. As usual, I was rushing in finishing my hamburger and get ready to running after Austin or feeding Andrew so we can leave on time. It never happened. All three of them are eating and having fun together. Andrew is munching his double cheeseburger, Angie is swallowing chicken nagguets and Austin just trying to stuff his little mouth with french fries dipped with lots of ketchup. Non of them pays attention to their mommy until I took out my camera wanting to record my first relax lunch in McDonald. ......

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Looking back 2009, everything seems to be fine until the very end of the year.  I have been struggled with finance as always, but the sugery daddy needed to go through seems to make me looking @ my debt in a different way.  I will be struggle as usual, but probably won't be so stress in the coming year. 

We are fortunate to have friends coming over yesterday to count down with us.  Kids were having loads of fun while laughing and fighting with each other. 

2010 is another year to go through.  I will be having my 10th anniversary in October.  It's amazing that we survived and still continue going!!  People asked me about my resolution.  Of course, I want to keep my family healthy.  Besides that, I really want to sell one of my craft item (earring and knitting project) each month in 2010.  $$$$$$!!

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Finally..... I set it up!!  It's the E-Shop for us to put handknit items like sweater and scarfs from my MIL.  It's also a great place for me to put my little earrings my friends love to own.  I looked over E-Bay and Etsy.... really studied their policy on getting items sold including the fees they charged.  Comparing these two Internet Marketing tool, I think Etsy is a better solution for me because the items I will be selling are truly handmade items and the that's exactly what Etsy's market targeting is.  So.... here I am.  I have my first "shop"!!  How exciting.  I guess I will be staying up late checking items been listed on the site and of course, hopefully checking out on items sold from my shop! 

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