目前分類:安琪 (17)
- Jan 23 Sun 2011 14:13
- Jan 07 Fri 2011 14:44
- Apr 19 Mon 2010 07:15
安琪在吃晚餐時,不時的稱讚我做的菜很好吃. 因為老公的廚藝不錯,再加上他的嘴巴又刁,一般都是他做飯. 媽媽我跟咱家的廚房不是很熟- 不常下廚. 很久沒做飯了,今天聽見女兒如此讚賞我的廚藝,不免喜孜孜..... 忍不住開她玩笑,問她是不是下午在家裡偷吃糖,想取笑她甜蜜蜜的小嘴.
話一出口,只見安琪愣了半晌,很小聲的回答: "只吃了一顆啦!"
真的是歪打正著....... 她可能也很讚嘆媽媽我的功力吧!!!!
- Jul 25 Sat 2009 14:23
A fun day with 5 kids.....
It was a long day today. Joanne's family is moving from Walnut to Irvine. Irvine. It's not a far way city, but it is a place that we need to make effort before we can go. Well, because knowing that they would be busy, I offered to babysit Ethan and Nicole for a day. It also happened that Jessica's birthday is today, so I made an arrangement with Janis for a movie day followed by the birthday celebration in Burger King..... thinking kids like and not be bored.
- Jun 18 Thu 2009 07:32
Another Day Off - UP
It's our second day off this week. I was wondering if we should go to Legoland since it's Thursday and my annual pass is only good for Thursdays. Luckily, Angie said she wants to go see this movie "Up". It truly is a lot easier than driving all the way to San Diego.
- Jun 16 Tue 2009 00:39
Our Mother-Daughter Day in Disneyland
It’s the week Angie has nowhere to go. Angie’s school ended last week and her summer camp is not starting until next week. I could’ve send her to the babysitter and I know her little brothers will love to have her around. But I am selfish. I want to spend sometime with her alone! The boys can play with her at sitter’s place on Monday and Wednesday and I will have Angie for the rest of the week!!
- Jun 11 Thu 2009 03:58
The beginner of summer.... Angie's first grade is over!!
It’s Angie’s last day in school. She finished her first grade off fine….. actually, better than just fine. She got her award for perfect attendance for the whole year and her teacher’s award in the first quarter of the school year.
- May 13 Wed 2009 12:14
Angie was chatting with me in bed. She asked me yesterday where she comes from. Since she went to a Christian Preschool, I told her that she is the reward I received from God. She was suprised. I went further and told her that I saw her flying with Angel coming to our house, I grabbed her very fast in case she was meant for Tricia's family (they live accross street). She was listening with interest. All the sudden, she asked what if Angel really was going to give her to Tricia's family. I looked into her eyes and told her that I will fight with them to get her. She gave me a big smile and felt asleep.......
- Mar 05 Thu 2009 06:54
Variety Show
Of course we didn't make it. We weren't well prepared.
- Feb 25 Wed 2009 18:41
Journal Writing
Angie's teacher started the journal writing assignment for their class. It totally brings back the horrible memories when I was in school. I hate journal. I hate hate hate journals. I was really lack of imagination and I still don't have that now. I have already told Take that any school assignment requies imagination belongs to him. He has to work with them on that. I didn't know what to write when I had to write my daily journal back in elementary school. No matter how I tried, I wrote a page with very boring messages.... kind of feel sorry for my teacher back then.
- Jan 30 Fri 2009 13:01
Angie's Fairy
Angie plays in the website and created this fairy. I was watching her to choose all the styles she used to created this fairy. I also imagine her dresses herself up in her teenager years. She knows exactly what she wants. I think when the time comes, it's going to be fun just hopefully not battles.....
- Jan 10 Sat 2009 08:55
琪琪從十月份開始學鋼琴, 到現在也有三個月了. 一開始是真的不確定; 不確定琪琪是否真的有興趣學鋼琴. 但這幾個月陪她練鋼琴, 發現她從彈鋼琴中培養她的自信. 琪琪似乎真的對鋼琴很有興趣! 甚至連三歲的安杰都心癢癢+手癢癢, 想一試身手. 於是媽媽決定租鋼琴 (買價太高), 也慢慢地注意初學者用的鋼琴. 但是一直也沒有時間去處理這件事情. 就這麼拖著. 每天念著. 直到 --- 爸爸的耳朵受不了了, 我們終於走進了琴行去看琴. 所謂貨比三家不吃虧. 總要先了解一下行情. 看了又看. 把買價和出租價都記起來, 準備再打電話聯絡另一家琴行老闆 訊問琴價. 尤於當時是元旦周末, 只好星期一再打電話
那知就在隔天, 爸爸在網站上找到了一架免費鋼琴. 不遲疑. 聯絡了琴主. 當天就去看琴. 不出所料, 琴況不甚好: 琴本身很髒, 琴鍵也受損, 但是勉強還可以彈. 心想免費的琴, 別彆扭了. 於是和琴主說好三天後去搬琴. 也約了鋼琴老師去看琴.
- Oct 30 Thu 2008 06:55
Angie's award
Angie handed me a note from her teacher last night. I looked at her and wondering if it's a warning saying that Angie hasn't behaved in class. Or it could be a note to me as her mother to remind me that I should remember to check her folder every night. Lately, I have not been checking her backpack everynight. Thus, there were note from her teacher I missed and things we need to do totally got slipped. With my look, Angie got nervous and told me she had no idea what the note was about.
- Sep 11 Thu 2008 06:44
琪琪上小學一個星期了!! 我一直不知道該怎麼調整自己. 小女生適應的再好也不過了. 才一個禮拜, 從拉著媽媽在教室門口依依不捨的說再見; 到要求媽媽陪著排隊進教室,但是不用到教室門口; 到今天希望媽媽站在校門口就好了. 媽媽有點傷心!!
琪琪上的是公立學校. 學校的同學並不是明顯的和之前的私立學校有所不同. 學生數目差不多( 一班二十人). 老師看起來是滿有經驗的. 據老師自己說她有二十多年的教學經驗. 希望這麼豐富的教學經驗可以幫助琪琪的專注力. 琪琪善良又活潑, 但是不夠專心. 她的心似乎永遠多用!! 媽媽一直很傷腦筋. 小女生一再保證: 上小學以後會注意聽老師上課. 才不會拿B-. 琪琪暑期輔導英文和數學都拿了B- 被我罵了一頓. 所以她一直記得上小學不可以拿B- 其實有點擔心她拿 C 或 D 不管怎麼說. 那的確不是B-
- Jun 10 Tue 2008 04:01
上個月﹐媽媽去琪琪學校去驗受成果﹒學了兩年的體操﹐ 不知道這小妮子倒底都學了些什麼﹒
- Jan 31 Thu 2008 16:02
安琪今天要交Science Project.... 昨天趕功課趕到好晚.讓媽媽好像又回到小時候做壁報時的尷尬場面.偏偏我們家老爺又一副事不關己的模樣.真是令人氣得牙癢癢的.
一面剪剪貼貼.一面以為琪琪會依賴媽媽.沒想到,這小妮子還一步一步和媽媽討論實驗的步驟.有模有樣得讓媽媽有一點驚訝.連成果發表要畫什麼和畫在那裡.都是小小人自己決定的.只是實驗結果不如預期.媽媽在網站上找到的project是要藉著醋和baking soda產生的化學變化(小氣泡)把丟下去的米粒推上水面.造成米粒在跳舞的假象.沒想到,從頭到尾,只有4粒米微微浮起.隨即又沉入杯底.讓這位小科學家有點兒失望.幸好時間很晚了.科學家很睏了.也就沒有追根究底.饒了我這個媽.
今年的project好不容易結束了.想到以後每年都要來這麼一次.頭皮就一陣發麻. ~嗚!呼……… 只好趁著學校科學展的時候,趕快作筆記.看看其他高年級生做了什麼了不起的實驗.也許明年還可以派上用場…..不賴吧!! 嘻!!