Of course we didn't make it. We weren't well prepared.

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It sounds like a good activity to do with Angie next week..... got to check if I have all the ingredients.

本文引用自aria6688 - 免蒸、免烤、不含蛋奶的黑糖布丁

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 I got this recipe from 楊桃電子報 and I probably won't do it again. The cookies turned out to be nice and much better than I thought.  However, the conversion of the measurement really killed me.... I didn't think being a financial analyst will have trouble converting measurement for cooking.

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I just rearrange the look of my blog and updated some new articles.  With this blog, I want to record as much as how kids grow up.  I realize kids are growing way too fast.  Way too fast than I can handle.  I am very depressed to see Austin talking and trying to be part of our conversations.  I am in denial stage to recognize that Andrew's effort to read books on his own.  Of course, he just pretends to read on his own.  He needs to learn all 26 letters first.  I need to remember what they look like when they are this small and how we interacted each day.  I haven't been to do that.... I just simply don't have the time to do it.  I ... I .... don't want to give up my sleep time!  :-)

If you noticed, I started to write my articles in English.  Typing in English is just faster for me... and I can do it at work, too (shhhh, please don't say anything to my boss).  I love writing in Chinese.  Maybe I will write stuff down and ask Sandy and Louisa to type it up for me to post them in my blog.... yap, they have all the time in the whole wide world!  HAHA!

So, mom, hope you enjoy reading my blog.......k?

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After three soakers (two functional ones), I changed my channel.  I am going to try the longies.  It's winter now and LA has been raining.  Just like his sister and brother, Austin kicks off his blanket at night all the time.  So, sometimes if I am not using AIO for nights, I will put a diaper, diaper cover and the pants on him.  His little bud looks really funny.  Although soaker does help reduce one layer when I am with him during day time.  I still need to add one extry layer (pants) on him at night.  To solve this, I am going to knit the longies. 

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Angie's teacher started the journal writing assignment for their class.  It totally brings back the horrible memories when I was in school.  I hate journal.  I hate hate hate journals.  I was really lack of imagination and I still don't have that now.  I have already told Take that any school assignment requies imagination belongs to him.  He has to work with them on that.  I didn't  know what to write when I had to write my daily journal back in elementary school.  No matter how I tried, I wrote a page with very boring messages.... kind of feel sorry for my teacher back then. 

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 I went by Take's workshop to drop off something to him before picking up Angie.  Right before I leave, I peek inside of his workshop to see how he is doing on his current project.  I usually don't pay too much attention on his project since I already have too much to worry about.  I figure whatever he is doing.... as long as his custom is happy, he is happy which makes me happy.  This is what I saw.... it seems to be a giant cabinet for a second.  He's told me about the project and mentioned that the size is bigger than others he had built.  It is big and much bigger than I had in mind. 

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 I think I am addicted to knitting.  So far, I have made two soaker for Austin already.  The first one was a tester so I set it aside.  The second one was a good soaker, but kind of small.  I was going to try a wrap style soaker, but realized it requires felting and sewing.  I then give it up.  I started this flat soaker pattern called Amy's Flat Knit Soaker.  Originally desiged to be crocheted, but I think the owner later converted to a knitted pattern.  With the experience I had with Tiny Bird, this soaker seems to be easier.  I now have more experience on increasing and decreasing the stitches..... pretty neat, huh.  Before I sew up the sides, this is what it looks like:

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 We finally registered Andrew to the Tiny Tot program in Diamond Bar.  He has been envy Angie for her been able to go to school.  The idea of "going to school" seems equal to "having special privilege" to him.  He wants to prove to everyone he knows that he is a big boy by being able to go to school like his older sister. 

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Angie plays in the website and created this fairy.  I was watching her to choose all the styles she used to created this fairy.  I also imagine her dresses herself up in her teenager years.  She knows exactly what she wants.  I think when the time comes, it's going to be fun just hopefully not battles.....


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Toward the end of last year, I made a soaker with the left over yarn I had in hand.  Really, my goal is to make a wool soaker/cover for Austin since I am CDing him.  CDing = Cloth Diaper + ing.  With lanolin in wool, the acid smell can be neutralized (so said many many parents who tried it).  Since I am pretty bad in sewing PUL covered cloth diaper, I decided to stay in "fitted" style which I can manage to sew.  The drawback is that now I will need to solve the cover issue...... not very nice.  I don't like the plastic one.  It works great.  It blocks the leakage and holds Austin's pee, but it can be VERY smelly as well.  Anyway, I made this:

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琪琪從十月份開始學鋼琴, 到現在也有三個月了. 一開始是真的不確定; 不確定琪琪是否真的有興趣學鋼琴.這幾個月陪她練鋼琴, 發現她從彈鋼琴中培養她的自信. 琪琪似乎真的對鋼琴很有興趣! 甚至連三歲的安杰都心癢癢+手癢癢, 想一試身手. 於是媽媽決定租鋼琴 (買價太高), 也慢慢地注意初學者用的鋼琴. 但是一直也沒有時間去處理這件事情. 就這麼拖著. 每天念著. 直到 --- 爸爸的耳朵受不了了, 我們終於走進了琴行去看琴. 所謂貨比三家不吃虧. 總要先了解一下行情. 看了又看. 把買價和出租價都記起來, 準備再打電話聯絡另一家琴行老闆 訊問琴價. 尤於當時是元旦周末, 只好星期一再打電話

那知就在隔天, 爸爸在網站上找到了一架免費鋼琴. 不遲疑. 聯絡了琴主. 當天就去看琴. 不出所料, 琴況不甚好: 琴本身很髒, 琴鍵也受損, 但是勉強還可以彈. 心想免費的琴, 別彆扭了. 於是和琴主說好三天後去搬琴. 也約了鋼琴老師去看琴.

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